Thursday, September 15, 2011


Dragoslav Dobricic, YU1AW
In WiFi communications, antennas with semicircular radiation diagram in horizontal
plane are often needed. Antennas with circular radiation diagram may have gain as high
as it is possible to narrow its vertical radiation diagram. That's where antennas with
radiation dipoles aligned vertically are used. When circular diagram is needed, and
vertical polarization is used, that alignment of half-wave dipoles can be carried out
according to the principle of the famous Franklin's antenna.
Open half wave dipol fed in the middle, is extended on both sides with one continuous
conductor, which is, every half wavelengths, folded in quarter-wave short-circuited part
of symmetrical two wire line. In this way, proper phasing of the half wave dipoles are

performed. This kind of wire antenna has been used, mainly in horizontal polarization,
from the very beginnings of radio on medium and short waves and is known as Franklin’s
antenna, after its author.
Horizontal Franklin antenna
The problem with impedance and parasitic radiation of phasing lines
This antenna is often used on VHF and UHF bands in vertical polarization in which it has
circle radiation diagram. However, with the increase of frequency, the arising problems
with phasing lines among dipoles occur, because they physically enlarge in relation to
wavelength, which consequently leads to greater impact of the radiation of this part of the
antenna on the overall diagram of the antenna. This unwanted, parasitic radiation of the
phasing lines has been resolved in many ways (by wrapping two-wire line around the
antenna axis, by the replacement of the two-wire line with coil or capacitor, etc.) with
more or less success.
However, for work on 2.4 GHz, this problem becomes significant also because of the
relatively big thickness of the antenna conductors in relation to wavelength, and therefore
the physical dimensions of two-wire line. These dimensions determine characteristic
impedanse, but also the parasitic radiation of these parts, especially short circuit at the
end of the two-wire line (further in the text and in the figure marked with E).
Short circuit at the end of the line needs to be physically very short, so that the great
current that flows through it gives as small parasitic radiation as possible. It’s shortening
decreases the distance between wires in two-wire line, and therefore decreases the
impedance of the two-wire line. Even if this decreased impedance is accepted, the
physical length of this part of the line can not be short enough in order not to represent
the significant part of the wavelength on this frequency, and therefore considerably
efficient radiator of the electromagnetic energy. This parasitic radiation can greatly
modify the overall radiation diagram of the antenna.
In order to achieve higher gain of the antenna, greater number of dipoles needs to be
aligned along the vertical. The increase in number of dipoles consequently increases the
impedance in the feed point very rapidly and becomes impractically high for simple and
efficient supply of the antenna by coaxial cable.
Franklin's antenna with reflector
The solution to the problem with the change of the radiation diagram
However, by placing the Franklin’s line of dipoles in front of relatively narrow reflector
gave the solution to these problems, but with the ˝sacrifice˝ of the circular radiation
which became semicircular.
By placing the reflector near short-circuited end of the two-wire line, it was achieved that
the wire, that short-circuited two-wired line (marked with E), with the close reflector acts
as transmission line, with the impedance of about 150 ohms. In that way, its parasitic
radiation is considerably reduced. In addition, it was possible to increase the length of
that wire to achieve the wanted distance between wires and needed value of characteristic
impedance of two-wire line.
By placing the dipol in front of the conducting reflector plane, the impedance in antenna
supply point decreased to about 200 ohms, which enabled very simple and efficient
supply of the antenna by coaxial cable with characteristic impedanse of 50 ohms through
half wave balun connected as transformer impedance 4:1. The reflector is very narrow,
0.5 wavelengths, so that it narrows horizontal radiation diagram as little as possible.
Gain of Amos antenna
Achieved calculated results
In this way, we achieved antenna with very wide radiation diagram in horizontal plane,
over 120 degrees for -3dB and about 180 degrees for -6dB decrease of the gain. With
very severe symmetry of the geometry of the antenna and the currents within, we
achieved very clean diagram in vertical plane, with the wideness of the main beam of 15
degrees and with very good side lobes suppression. High radiation resistance of the
antenna gave low antenna Q factor and high wideness of frequency working band that
can be seen from the antenna input matching diagram.
The gain of the antenna of over 12 dBi is very close to the theoretic maximum for this
kind of configuration and is completely acceptable for the antenna with this wide
radiation diagram in horizontal plane. This is achieved by careful optimization on the
computer, using professional program for simulation and optimization of the antennas
NEC2 (4NEC2) and testing on NEC4.
Input matching of Amos antenna
Dimensions and construction of Amos antenna
Horizontal and vertical radiation diagram of Amos antenna
Front and side view of 3D radiation diagram
Bottom and side view of 3D radiation diagram
Currents in elements of Amos antenna
Radiation diagrams comparation of Amos and optimal Biquad antenna
Mechanical construction of the antenna
The antenna is consisted of two copper wires 2 - 2.3 mm in diameter and overall length of
299.3 mm. Each piece of wire is folded in the same way as shown in pictures.
Before folding, measure and cut 299.3 mm long wire, then measure and mark spots
where the wire will be folded on the square. Before folding, polyethylene piles should be
made and placed on the wire; these piles will serve as isolators and carriers of radiation
elements of the antenna.
Tool (mold) for making isolating piles.
Piles are made of the isolator of thicker coaxial cable (RG-8, RG213) by removing the
inner and outer conductors. The length (height) of the piles is about 15-18 mm, and at
exactly 10 mm from one end the 2-2.5 mm hole should be drilled across the pile through
which the wire of the dipol will pass. The piles are fixed by bolts which are placed on the
outer side of the reflector, through the reflector surface and into the existing hole in the
pile from which the inner conductors have been removed. The distance between the wire
passing through the pile measuring from the axis of the wire to the reflector surface must
be exactly 10 mm! Measuring from the surface of the wire to the reflector surface is 9
mm that is reduced by the radius of the wire!
Reflector surface is made of the brass, copper or aluminum sheet metal, 0.5-1.5 mm
thick. It may also be made of the single side coppered epoxy, standard thickness 1.6 mm
usually used for PCB making.
Building of radiating elements of Amos antenna
Fixed radiating elements before balun and feeder soldering
Half wave balun physical lenght depending on coaxial calbe type and its connection
The hole is drilled into the reflector, 5 mm in diameter, which fit coaxial cable RG-58A,
RG-58C or CFD200.
The holes for the piles are drilled at 53 and 150 mm from the center, about 3 mm in
diameter (depending on the used screw). The cable does not have electric junction with
the reflector surface in the passing through point.
Half wave balun is made of the piece of the coaxial cable whose length depends on the
type of the cable! If the cable with full solid dielectric is used, like RG58A type cables,
then the velocity factor for that type of cable is v=0.66 and the length of the balun is 40.7
mm. But, if the cable with foamy isolation is used, like CFD200, then the length of the
balun should be 51 mm, because the velocity factor for that type of cable is v=0.83.
Preparatrion and soldering of halfwave balun and coaxial cable
The balun cable length is the length of the outer conductor before folding, while the
length of the inner conductor must not exceed 1-2 mm. Everything should be solder as
short as possible in order to avoid shifting of the resonant frequency of the antenna due to
the parasitic inductivities of the connecting wires. The cables endings are placed in the
triangle form, so that two ends of the half wave balun are connected to the dipol as short
as possible, and feeding line placed in the middle is connected with either sides of the
dipol. The outer conductors of the both ends of the half wave balun and of the feeding
line are connected directly to each other and nowhere else! It is very important that these
connections are as short as possible!
Balun and feeder soldered to radiation dipole
Polyethylene water protection of cables and soldered junctions
Finished Amos antenna
Alignement for vertical polarization work
The protection from the atmospheric actions
While the copper is still light and corrosion-free, the antenna should be sprayed by the
thin layer of the transparent varnish. Before this, the very spot of the soldering of the
cables and opened cable cross-sections should be covered with thin layer of polyethylene
using the pistol gadget that melts polyethylene rods and deposits liquid plastic on the
desired surface. The layer should be water-proof, but as thin as possible! So, it is wrong
to put large amounts of the plastic mass in the thick layer on the junction, because it is
useless and it can spoil the matching of the antenna! Also, the use of silicone is forbidden
because of its chemical aggressiveness and large losses at high frequencies!
Mechanical fixation to the carrier
This fixation can be performed in any suitable way so that the antenna can be moved
horizontally and vertically in order to precisely aim the antenna in wanted direction. The
carrier can be made in the way that it additionally strength reflector surface from the
backside if the reflector surface is made of the thinner metal sheet or epoxy without the
necessary stiffness for that length. For the prototype stainless steel rod was used, 25 mm
in diameter, bought at the market place already s-shaped. Any metal (especially
ferromagnetic) or plastic pieces are forbidden at the front of antenna, near the dipol or the
reflector, because they can increase the losses, change the antenna's radiation diagram
and input impedance, and consequently the proper function of the antenna itself. All the
fixations and mechanical constructions must be placed on the back side of the reflector
surface. The antenna should be moved out in front of the axis of the supporting post for
about 15-30 cm in order to decrease the effect of the post on the radiation diagram. If
thicker coaxial cable feeding line is wanted, female N connector can be put on the
backside of the reflector, and through the hole on the reflector thin cable can be
connected to the balun and dipol. It is not advisable to connect thick cable directly to the
balun and dipol, because it is hard to solder it shortly because it is physically bulky, and
antenna resonance can be shifted due to parasitic reactances.
Aiming the antenna
During the aiming of the antenna, one should keep in mind that the antenna has very wide
horizontal diagram, and the sharp maximum should not be expected while changing the
horizontal angle! On the other hand, the vertical radiation angle is very narrow and the
maximum of the receiving signal is very sharp, so the antenna should be positioned very
carefully and precisely!
The antenna is mainly provided for the work with vertical polarization because of its
specific radiation diagram it has while using in that way. Antenna is especially adequate
for Access Points due to its great coverage wideness in horizontal plain.
The antenna calculation for other frequencies
Amos semicircular antenna can be also used for other frequencies if its physical
dimensions are recalculated for the new working frequency according to given
dimensions in wave lengths:
Wavelength: Lambda= 299.8 / f(MHz) meters
Overall wire length (in the wavelengths)
L=2.42 (2 pieces)
Wire diameter
Half wave balun length
P= 0.5 * v
v= 0.66 for RG58, RG213, RG8 etc.
v= 0.83 for CFD200
The name of the antenna
The antenna got its name thanks to the completely unexpected associations I had while
projecting it. Because it is basically famous Franklin's antenna placed in front of the
narrow reflector, which was discussed previously, I thought to name it like that. But that
name already has been used for unmodified antenna. The last name ‘Franklin’ associated
me to another man with the same last name, Benjamin Franklin, scientist, politician and
diplomat, who lived about a century earlier. He was a physicist and inventor who, among
other, flew the kite during the storm and showed that the lightning is actually electricity,
invented the lightning-rod, bifocal glasses and famous Franklin's oven. But, he also was
skilful politician who signed famous Declaration of Independence. Today he is one of the
most favorite establishers and 'fathers' of the American state. The anecdotes say he had a
mouse for a pet, named Amos. The mouse was named after prophet Amos of the Old
Testament, from the small village Tecoa, near Jerusalem, who lived in the 8th century
Prophet Amos from Tecoa Mouse Amos and Ben Franklin in Dizney's cartoon
In 1950s, Walt Disney made a great cartoon based on the novel by Robert Lawson ˝Ben
And Me˝, about life and creative work of this great man, and, of course, Amos the mouse
is the real star in that movie!
That's how this antenna got its unusual name – after one unusual mouse!
Rolex's design of mold for fast and easy piles production
I would like to thank my friends from BG Wireless on help and cooperation on the
realization of this project, and especially to Nebojša Rosic – Rolex, who made, very
quickly and precisely, the first specimen of this antenna for measuring. I would like to
point out his ingenious tool solution, mold actually, for making isolating piles. The mold
is made of piece of plywood sheet, 18 mm thick, with a drilled hole for piles are made of
the isolator of thicker coaxial cable (RG-8, RG213) by removing the inner and outer
conductors. On the side surface, 10 mm from one edge 2.2 mm hole is drilled. The plastic
is pushed through the plywood sheet, aligned to one side, through the hole on the side the
hole for the wire is drilled and before removing the drill, pile is cut off on the other side.
In this way it is possible to make large number of identical isolating piles quickly and
easily. In the hole on the side he inserted hollow part of pop-rivet, so the hole wouldn't
get wider after a great number of drillings!
Laboratory measurements of Amos antenna
The laboratory measurements results
After building, Amos antenna was subjected to the laboratory measurements. The
measurements were performed on the professional instruments, first of all on HP
Network analyzer. The input matching of the antenna was measured and obtained values
showed good correlation with computer predictions. First of all, resonant frequency of the
antenna and the band in which it is matched very well coincided with calculations. The
maximum value of the input signal return loss is about -22 dB, which is for about 5-6 dB
less than expected, which is partly the consequence of the imperfect measurement
conditions, that is the existence of certain components of spatial reflected wave. The
band in which the matching is good is somewhat wider than calculated. This implies
somewhat wider frequency working band of the antenna. The gain of the Amos antenna
is measured by the method of comparison with known antenna gain, in this case with half
wave dipol with gain 2dBi. We measured the transmission between radiation and
receiving antenna at fixed distance; as receiving antenna once we used dipol and the other
time we used Amos. While using dipol antenna, transmission was -30.5 dB, and with
Amos -19.9 dB, which gives the gain of 10.6 dB in relation to referent dipol of 2dBi. The
results confirmed the gain of Amos antenna of about 12.6 dBi with possible error of
about +/- 1dB because of the imperfect measuring conditions.
The results of the practical work test
Amos antenna is practically compared with earlier built classic corner reflector antenna
of about 12dBi which I use for WiFi and acquired results very well corresponded to the
expected ones. Amos antenna received signals from AP with almost identical level as
classic corner reflector antenna, which was expected with regard to approximately the
same gain. But, the number of received signals was several times higher because of the
wide horizontal diagram! Because of this quality, Amos antenna is designed as antenna
for Access Points! Although it can also be used for clients when it is necessary to,
without moving the antenna, acquire communication with several APs which are located
in various directions.
Input matching measurements of Amos antenna
Transmission measurement with dipole receiving antenna
Transmission measurement with Amos receiving antenna
In this work we demonstrated and confirmed by measuring the possibility of using
Franklin's line of half wave dipoles in front of the relatively narrow reflector surface as
an efficient antenna on 2.4 GHz. The antenna has a vertical polarization and semicircular
radiation diagram in horizontal plane.
The problem of parasitic radiation of parts of two wire short-circuited lines for phasing is
resolved by placing the reflector surface near short-circuit conductor; in that way,
conductor was transformed in transmission line with the impedance of about 150 ohms
and in that way intensity of its radiation is considerably reduced. In this way the impact
of parasitic radiation on the overall radiation diagram is reduced.
In addition, placing the reflector surface modified the input impedance to the value that is
suitable for efficient matching of the antenna to the coaxial feeding line. Therefore,
geometric and electric symmetry of the antenna enabled clean, symmetrical and narrow
vertical diagram. By using very narrow reflector, the great width of horizontal diagram is

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